香港生產力促進局(「生產力局」)於5月16日公佈了更多關於「遙距營商計劃」 的申請詳情,So Creative準備了一個懶人包,綜合一些大家必須了解的重點:
1. 我需要準備什麼申請文件?
2. 我需要取得服務供應商報價單嗎?
3. 我需要取得審計師報價單嗎?
4. 為何需要審計報告?
5. 我可以為自己的兩間公司各提交一份申請嗎?
6. 我可以提交多少份申請?
7. 我可以為每個方案選用不同的服務供應商嗎?
8. 生產力局會如何批核每個資助方案?
9. 如果我申請了方案一的100,000港元的資助,但生產力局只批出50,000元的資助,我可以更改報價或工作範疇嗎?
10. 計劃的評審準則是什麼呢?
- 建議項目與申請者的業務是否相關
- 預算是否合理
- 推行細節是否合理
- 顧問及/或服務供應商的能力
- 委員會及創新科技署所知悉有關服務供應商的不良紀錄(如有)
- 計劃申請由評審委員會作審核決定
11. 當我的計劃獲批後,我需要立即進行計劃嗎?
12. 我可以如何遞交申請?
[Important updates on D-Biz Application on 16 May]
The Hong Kong Productivity Council (“HKPC”) has announced more details regarding the Distance Business Programme (“D-Biz Programme”) on 16 May. So Creative has summarized the most important points as follow:
1. What documents do I need to prepare for the application?
A Valid Business Registration (“BR”) Certificate copy, documents proof (e.g. receipt, invoice, contract) of substantive business operations related to the project in the application, 2 quotations for each procurement and 2 audit quotations.
2. Do I have to obtain quotations for procurement?
For applications which engage a system integrator or non-subscription based service provider, 2 quotations shall be obtained for each procurement while applicant is required to select the lowest bid. If the lowest bid is not selected, applicant must provide full justification.
For applicants which engage subscription based service providers, there is no minimum number of quotations for purchase required.
3. Do I have to obtain audit quotations?
If the requested funding exceeds HK$30,000, 2 audit quotations are required. The maximum audit fee to be counted towards the total project cost is HK$3,000 and is reimbursable.
If applicant does not have to get the audit fee reimbursed, no audit quotations are required.
4. Why is audit required?
An initial payment of 30% of the approved funding is payable to applicant. After the completion of the project, applicant is required to submit documents such as final project report with evidence of deliverables, project expenditures (e.g. invoices and receipts) and audited statement of income and expenditure to the Secretariat. The final 70% funding will be made to the applicant upon the acceptance of the final project report.
5. If I have two companies, can I apply for the fund for each of them? Related entities (i.e. entities set up as different legal entities but having the same individual(s) each holding 30% or more ownership in such entities) would be treated as one single entity. Therefore, only one application can be submitted.
6. How many applications can I submit?
Each applicant can submit only one application. For each IT solution, the funding ceiling is HK$100,000. Each enterprise may receive a total funding of up to HK$300,000.
7. Can I procure different service providers for each IT solution?
8. How will the HKPC approve each IT solution?
Each applicant can submit an application with no more than 3 IT solutions. The HKPC could approve only part of the solutions, therefore the solutions proposed should not be interdependent with each other (i.e. proposed by modules).
9. If I apply for HK$100,000 funding for IT solution category 1, but the HKPC approves HK$50,000 for the project, can I adjust the quotation or scope of work?
No. Even if the HKPC approves part of the fund, applicant is required to continue the project as proposed.
10. What are the assessment criteria of the projects?
- Relevance of the proposed project to the applicant’s business
- Reasonableness of the budget
- Reasonableness of the implementation details
- Capability of Service Provider(s)
- Adverse record of Service Provider(s) as know to the Committee and the Secretariat (if available)
11. Do I have to immediately kick off the project after the application is approved?
Applicant should start the project within one month of approval.
12. Where should I submit the application? The program is open for application on 18 May. Only online application is available.
If you wish to have assistance on the D-Biz application, please contact us at https://www.socreative.com.hk/distance-business-d-biz-programme.